Download the 7th issue!
Table of Contents
- ZUZANNA SOKOŁOWSKA (the University of Silesia in Katowice)
Creating oneself again. Identity change in contemporary artists` activities
- ANNA GIL (the Jagiellonian University)
Mandala – a symbol of the reflection of unity in multiplicity. The interpretation of the motif in contemporary art
- MARTA MALISZEWSKA (the University of Warsaw)
Zofia Rydet’s visual language – ”Sociological Record” as an atlas
- MARCIN DŻUGAJ (the University of Wroclaw)
The sources and functions of the state in the thought of Friedrich Nietzsche: the multitude of slavish tendencies and the existential unity of the „free spirits”
- BARBARA TRYGAR (the University of Rzeszow)
Phenomenological-deconstructional explications of “unity and multiplicity” in “The Tunnel” by Magdalena Parys
- KAROLINA OWCZAREK (the University of Warsaw)
Mind uploading. Transhumanist vision of the mind
- BARTŁOMIEJ K. KRZYCH, AGATA STARCZAK (the University of Rzeszow)
Does the reality have a structure? Part I: The Absolute and the moments of existence
- BARTŁOMIEJ K. KRZYCH (the University of Rzeszow)
Does the reality have a structure? Part II: Realism and ontological hierarchism
- BARTŁOMIEJ K.KRZYCH (the University of Rzeszow)
Does the reality have a structure? Part III: Logicism and ontological rationalism
- JOANNA ROŚ (the University of Warsaw)
Herbert Read (1893-1968)
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