Competition for thesis

Amor Fati journal and the Foundation „good morning! the collectiveof culture”, in order to effectively disseminate scientific works and reward young scientists, announce the competition for diploma theses (bachelor’s, master’s) in two categories:

  • humanities and social sciences,
  • science and technology sciences.


From among the submitted applications, we will select three works in each category.

  • first award: online publication in the „Amor Fati Library” (book version) + printed edition,
  • second award: online publication in the „Amor Fati Library” (book version),
  • third award: online publication in the „Amor Fati Library” (book version).

All unpublished diploma theses can be submitted.


Deadline for sending applications: March 31
Competition results: May 15 (in the case of a large number of applications, this deadline may be postponed)
Publication of works: by the end of September 2018

Regulations, criteria and application form

All interested participants please read the regulations, work evaluation criteria and application form (doc or odt version) [polish version].


Dear Sirs and Madams,

we had a really hard time making decisions. We received a total of 91 applications with bachelor’s and master’s theses. Many of them should be published. Unfortunately, the rules of the competition and our finances would not allow us to take such a step. Therefore, with some hesitation and awareness that we may „harm” certain people, we have made the final decisions. At the same time it is worth noting that in the editorial boardwe we argued about the verdict until yesterday evening!

The podium in the category of humanities and social sciences is as follows:

1. Rafał Sowiński from the Jagiellonian University for the work „Caffeine discourses in contemporary advertising”. We received several applications that approached the problems outside the box. It should be noted that some of the works submitted to us were theoretical elaborations of problems that have been processed many times. We found the text about caffeine so innovative and intriguing that it is worth the distinction – unfortunately, academic staff too often force students to deal with trite topics and to rewrite textbooks. The work of Mr. Rafał Sowiński perfectly breaks this trend. What’s more, it is so extensive that research and scientific interests of Mr. Rafał Sowiński focus on the issue of new media and popculture, which allowed him to present the results of his analyzes in a wide perspective.

2. Aleksandra Belina from the University of Warsaw for the work entitled „Crisis of volunteering? Analysis of the reasons for giving up voluntary activities”. We recognized that the problem of volunteering, and more broadly – people sharing with different initiatives, is an important issue worth considering. From our own backyard we know how difficult it is today to involve people in various non-profit activities, and how big is the role of money. In our opinion, the work definitely deserves to be distinguished from others, because Mrs. Belina has been cooperating with non-governmental organizations for eight years – hence she based her conclusions on reliable experience and practice, not on textbook knowledge alone.

3. Artur Kołodziejczyk from the Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw for the work „Etta Hillesum’s way to trust in God. An attempt to reconstruct the experience of the religious author of the «Interrupted Life»”. An important factor that influenced the choice of this work was not only the author’s original approach to the subject, but also the issue of searching for his own humanity. Etta Hillesum – the Jew murdered in Auschwitz – became the main point here. We decided that talking about her sensibility to another person, her compassion with the other – even if we separated the theistic context, which is not convincing for everyone – is an important issue in the modern world, in which people often get so called „callousness” and selfishness. Thinking about the Other, as far as Etta Hillesum is also carried out in the religious sphere, it remains valid regardless of the context precisely because of paying attention to the other person.

As for the science nad technology sciences, we received only 8 applications (from the above 91). We have made – perhaps a controversial decision – that in this edition of the competition, due to the small number of applications, the prizes will not be awarded. While in the case of the category of humanities and social sciences, we had the possibility of a domain comparison of the reported works, in the case of  the science nad technology sciences their discrepancy was too high, which – at the awarding of awards – would be detrimental to participants in this category.

The awarded works will be published as part of the „Amor Fati Library”.