Singularity and Transcendens

Call for papers: download!

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E-mail: singularityandtranscendens2018[at]

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PROGRAM: download! [poster: download!]


Key topics:

  • metaphysics and ontology
  • epistemology
  • methodology
  • philosophy of science
  • philosophy of nature
  • philosophy of God and religion

Important Dates:

  • Abstract submission: up to 30.03.2018
  • Notification of abstract acceptance: up to 15.04.2018
  • Conference dates 11-12 May 2018
  • Paper submission: deadline due to 31 May 2018
  • Publication date: september/october 2018

Conference will held place at:

  • University of Rzeszów, al. Rejtana 16c, building A1, Senate Room.

Conference fee:

  • 320 zł or it`s equivalent (conference fee covers conference materials, catering and participation certificate and publication expenses. Full texts will be published by interdisciplinary scientific journal Amor Fati in 2018)
  • Bank account: here (with the reference: OiT_Surname_Name)

Organizing committee:

  • B.S. Bartłomiej K. Krzych (coordinator and main organizer)
  • M.S. Mateusz Binek
  • M.S. Anastazja Cheiz
  • M.S. Natalia Gryń
  • M.A. Sebastian Kalemba
  • M.S. Dorota M. Kotlarz
  • M.S. Sebastian Łąkas
  • M.S. Piotr Madura
  • M.S. Kamil M. Wieczorek
  • M.S. Natalia Witkowska

Scientific Committe (in statu nascendi)

  • prof. dr hab. Sergey Astapow (Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don, Russia)
  • dr hab. prof. UR Krzysztof Bochenek (University of Rzeszów, Rzeszów)
  • dr Tomasz Dekert (Ignatianum University, Kraków)
  • ks. prof. dr hab. Janusz Królikowski (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, Faculty of Theology Section in Tarnów)
  • dr hab. Tomasz Kubalica (University of Silesia, Katowice)
  • dr Łukasz Lamża (UPJPII, Copernicus Center for Interdisciplinary Studies)
  • prof. dr hab. Taras Lyutyy (National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, Kiev, Ukraine)
  • dr hab. prof. UR Artur Mordka (University of Rzeszów, Rzeszów)
  • dr hab. prof. UR Andrzej Niemczuk (University of Rzeszów, Rzeszów)
  • dr hab. prof. UR Przemysław Paczkowski (Director of Institute of Philosophy, University of Rzeszów, Rzeszów)
  • dr Konrad Szocik (University of Information Technology and Management, Rzeszów)
  • o. dr Mariusz Tabaczek (Kolegium Filozoficzno-Teologiczne oo. Dominikanów w Krakowie)
  • prof. dr hab. Jan Woleński (International Institute of Philosophy, UITM, Rzeszów)

Patrons and Sponsors:

The conference is co-organised by:

Posters: poster number 1